Yes I am hoping I calculated everything properly and the engineers know what they are talking about. LOL It should be good to go though. It sure adds a major concern when setting up a tank running with the joist though doesn't it.
I will be creating a measuring device to document any movement in the joists as I fill the tank slowly. I will fill it up a 1/4 of the way, let it sit for a few days, check for movement and repeat until it's full. I will leave the device in place for life so I can always check it when ever I like.
I do have the option of installing telepost on all the joist should I need to. I would be losing the only bedroom in the basement but what can a guy do? LOL
It sure looks like you had to do lots of work, I am very thankful I didn't have to do anything like that, knock on wood. Great job though, looks extremely solid.
I did start a journal today, perhaps this thread should be deleted?

230 mixed reef / 230 gal sump/fuge
Last edited by bassman; 04-02-2008 at 03:09 AM.