03-29-2008, 06:44 PM
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Didsbury
Posts: 1,137
Originally Posted by mildcustom2
No way,
I'm sorry but I love my high powered gas guzzling cars (own 5 cars), my energy sucking reef tanks, big screen tv, surround sound speaker system, computer, microwave, my outside halogen potlights on my front porch that are on all night, etc. I enjoy the work I do to support the oil industry, cruise ships and merchant ships around the world. Not to mention I love the color of thier money. Sooner or later I'm going to die and while I'm alive darn it I'm going to live life to the fullest and how I want not how others think I should. Am I selfish? Yes, but I only get one shot at life and its going to be a wild trip while I'm here.
I do recycle were possible, use energy efficient light bulbs in my house were possible, carpool when possible with coworkers to jobs, own a push mower instead of a gas, own high efficiency appliances, save every bit of scrap metal at work to recycle, as long as it dosn't alter my comfort level in my life or inconvienence me I do my part to help.
The last part there...about not doing if it inconviences or lowers your comfort level...is exactly why nothing will ever get fixed on this planet if it is left up to the human race.
No not pointing the finger at you specifically so don't get all bent outta shape. 
I once had a Big tank...I now have two Huskies and a coyote