Originally Posted by asherah
ok. The tank is 30 gallons. Currently has 1 occelaris, 1 diamond goby.
about 20lbs of live rock. it has a shallow sand bed. Mostly because I didn't buy enough sand. It's about 1 inch thick.
No corals at he moment, there is also a remora skimmer.
Temp is 76F.
To acclimate the fish to the tank, I float the bag in the tank for about 20 mins to adjust the temperature then add water to the bag and float for about 15 for mins then add the fish to the tank.
AFter I added him he was stayed in plain view in one area of the tank and even ate some food later that night.
I saw him again swimming in the open the next day then I went away for 3 days and came back.
He was again swimming around fine.
Yesterday proceeded to hide then he died.
Ammonia - 0
nitrites - 0
nitrates -5
salinity - 1.027 - usually lower than that.
there isn't algae but there is detrius in the tank.
I want to add another koralia to the tank but ther is a good amount of flow.
I have fake corals in the tank at the moment since I dont' have any real ones. They are on the bottom of the tank and they move in the current.
The tank has been set up for about 1 1/2 years.
Fish unfortunately do... JUST die.