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Old 03-28-2008, 07:13 AM
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Puff Puff is offline
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Vancouver, BC
Posts: 247
Puff is on a distinguished road

i have a bunch in my 24 gallon. probably about 6-8 blue legs and 3 scarlets. the scarlets are beautiful, but get bigger.

ive had very minor "hermit aggression". 2 of the little blue legs like to try to take the mysis from my favia, but the favia likes to send out it's feelers and tag the little guys. they learned pretty quick to steer clear of the favia at feeding time. one blue leg has setup shot under my frogspawn and keeps the branch and surrounding area very clean. personally i love the little guys. they also keep lots of feet on the rock and sand which helps keep the flatworm population in check. also helps stop algae growing.
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