Thread: Earth Hour
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Old 03-28-2008, 03:48 AM
iansfishy iansfishy is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: central BC- cariboo area
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ya turn your lights and junk off. Save yourself that 27 cents. heck why doesnt 10000 people do it. That will kick BC hydro right where it counts 2700.00 big old smackers. then they will turn around and sell it to california and squeeze your 27 cents out of someone else. Im sure BC hydro wouldnt just add 27 cents to a bill here and there. I know every one checks all those bar graphs and figures everytime they get their bill. I realize its about the earth, but its a renewable resource that also employs alot of hard working people ( not me). Oh and while we are at it cut them danm trees down, they'll grow back and housing will go back down!
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