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Old 03-27-2008, 11:28 PM
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KrazyKuch KrazyKuch is offline
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well I went with another way of bracing the glass instead of 2X4's, I bought some corner clamps and put some stick on felt on them as to not damage the glass!!!

Here is the corner clamps I bought.

Here is the clamps with felt on them.

Bottom after it has been cleaned with vinegar.

After the edges have been taped.

Bottom with the back side by side.

Starting to apply silicone.

Another shot of me applying silicone.

Back pain in place.

One side in place and clamped with the corner clamp.

Both sides in place and clamped, and me removing excess silicone on the inside.

Shot of all 3 sides in place.

Shot of one of the seams.

And here is a pic of the silicone we used.

Basically once I had an end piece in place I clamped it to the back pain,and then made sure that the bottom of the side piece was flush to the bottom pain, and that the side pain was full pressed up against the back pain...Make sense or did I loose anyone!
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