Originally Posted by asherah
To acclimate the fish to the tank, I float the bag in the tank for about 20 mins to adjust the temperature then add water to the bag and float for about 15 for mins then add the fish to the tank.
Your params dont seem too bad...
It might be that the water from your LFS is quite different from your own & you need to acclimatise more slowly.
For example, putting a small amount of tank water at a time into the bag & then floating for 10 mins before adding a bit more & repeating this step until the water in the bag has been 'equalised' to the water in your tank.
Have you checked the parameters of the water in the bag?
For various reasons, sometimes a LFS might keep a lower salinity in their fish tanks than we do in our reefs - say as low as 1.017.
In this case it can take some time to properly acclimatise the new fish.