Originally Posted by michika
Actually this is the main floor, and reinforcement will come from changes made in the crawl space. I'll post photos when we are ready to do the reinforcements.
Please do post pics as it could be very easy to reenforce the floor joice. Rather then trying to build up to the floor and take up the entire crawl space.
Met a guy on a job site we got to talking and he told me how a buddy of his did it.
72 Gallon Bowfront Reef.. Hardware:2x250w Luminex Elite HQI Reflectors (Phoenix Hexarc Bulbs), Galaxy 2x250w Electronic ballast, Euroreef 130 Skimmer, Sedra KSP 7000 Retern... Live Stock: Pair of Hawaiian Flame Wrasse, Leopard Wrasse, Pink Streaked Wrasse, Pair True Percula Clowns, Potters Angel, African Flameback Angel, Orange Fin Tomini Tang, Yellow Assessor, Tailspot Blenny, Purple Firefish..
45 G FW Asain Barb Community tank.