Tank - $300, assembled prices ran from $550-750 depending on who we called, most pre-assembled tanks couldn't be drilled without an extra cost.
Silicone - $20
Timeframe is whenever, sooner is better, but you can't rush a good thing. The goal is to do a little work on it every night and see where that takes us. This tank is intended to be a grow out tank for our larger tank project we want to do in the future. Once its assembled I'm going to move everything from my disaster of a 28g long nano into this system. We are still working out details in regards to the return flow, but most everything else has been planned out for some time. I am hoping to have it set up & leak tested before May 1st.
Don't worry, I have some apprehension too about the leak test that will need to happen once the silicone has dried!
Next steps;
- trip to the hardware store for a 2x4, 8 clamps, and 2 corner clamps, a plastic square and a box of screws.
- Prepare the glass by washing it with white vinegar.
- Planning out shopping list of materials for reinforcing the floor
- Not breaking any panes of glass
Last edited by michika; 03-26-2008 at 04:47 PM.