Originally Posted by tang daddy
looks good so far, the rock is nice love the coraline algae!
What are you using for water movement any power heads?
Might I suggest that it would be better to run carbon in a canister filter that's what I do now and it works great. I use a ehiem ecco 2236 and have 3 of the 5 chambers filled with charcoal, have the supply going from the display and the return in the refuge compartment in my sump. The pump on the canister is not plugged in because it causes a siphon from the display to the sump.
If you look at previous pictures of the build you can see the manifold i built to help with water movement. I like this because I did not want un sightly power heads and water movers visible in the tank I do however have two that are behind the rocks to help with some hard to flow areas