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Old 03-23-2008, 11:25 PM
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wetcoast wetcoast is offline
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: surrey, bc
Posts: 113
wetcoast is on a distinguished road

I spent a considerable amount of time reading up on structural stability and decided it would be in my best interest to distribute the weight by building an oversized stand, and housing the sump, refugium and other components in the bathroom behind where the tank was going to sit. This also helped keep down the noise and gave me a bit more room to fiddle with things.

I then started work with cutting through the wall into the bathroom, and simply reinforcing the hole with a dryer vent.

With that being done it was time to dismantle the bathroom, and building a stand for the sump. (many pictures simply dont exist)
The bathroom isn't the largest of rooms so I had to rebuild my stand a few times to finally get it right.

I had just taken delivery of my Acrylic sump, and while it wasn't what I ordered in the slightest, it worked out in the long run.

I am able to drain the sump into the main sewer stack for quick water changes and releases of water (one of my pet peeves from my last tank).

At that time I commenced mounting electrical components in the equipment room underneath the countertop. In the background is an ozone generator, and an Aquatronica Power Bar, again, more on this later.

Last edited by wetcoast; 03-23-2008 at 11:37 PM.
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