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Old 03-23-2008, 11:12 PM
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wetcoast wetcoast is offline
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: surrey, bc
Posts: 113
wetcoast is on a distinguished road

This is my 'second' reef tank - the first was a 65 gallon experiment where I started off with no sump, and a general overall lack of knowledge. I had been living in Winnipeg for a few years, and had to get out due to the cold weather. I started planning a larger system. From a far I started picking up all the supplies I would need - a 225 gallon tank, Pumps, Skimmers, Lights, Ballasts, Heaters, you know, everything.

Boy was I in for a surprise, when I came to BC and realized that my measly money I had invested in a house in the prairies could barely buy me a garage! I had to go into a condo instead of a house and realized that I could not support the 225 on a second floor with the joists running parallel to the tank. I accepted my losses, and ordered a custom 135 (72x24x18) with a center overflow in March of 2007.

I work from home, and wanted to be able to stare at the fishtank while computing regularly, and started the construction. Due to the way the place was constructed, I had to do some considerable work to the room to prepare for the tank to fit where I wanted to. This involved closing the entrance to the room, and opening it up on the other side, while rerouting all the electrical in the room.

Some before shots:

Heeeeere's Johnny!

And it almost finished on the other side of the room. I hate drywall, taping, and sanding.

Because I did not know how my stand, canopy, or anything else would work out with my tank I had to stop work and enjoy summer. Finally at the end of August I took delivery of my new tank in the house.
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