Thread: Bubble Coral
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Old 03-23-2008, 10:16 PM
Mattgesy Mattgesy is offline
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Edmonton, Alberta
Posts: 85
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i am feeding it Mysis shrimp every second day and it's eatting it.
nothing else is touching it, i do have leathers, but again not close to it at all, on the other side of the tank (which i know doesnt matter)
i tired moving it around, but it seems doing good in this one spot, i also never moved it on the top, where it gets alot of light, but i heard they sometimes like it more on the bottem then anything. i turn off my powerheads and sit the mysis right onhim, and i see him eat them, but other then that, he has like one bubble left ...
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