Originally Posted by marie
The one thing I've noticed about these guys is that they are very sensitive to allelopathy (sp?) (chemical warfare), any leathers in the system seem to make them go downhill fast
I have noticed this as well. Leathers, zoos, and palys annoy the crap out of them. I've had my bubble for about a year now, and it did well right from the start. Mine used to be two skeletons attached to eachother. At one point the smaller of the two started to recede, and looked horrible. It was missing a lot of flesh by the timeI noticed. I turkey basted it, and there was a lot of sand down under the flesh in the centre. I think it was getting too much sand settling on it, causing it to recede. Once it started receding, the sand could get right under the flesh, which made everything worse. I separated it from the other skeleton, and started turkey basting it gently twice a day to get the sand out from under the flesh. The MAJOR factor was feeding it several Mysis shrimp per day. It bounced back in just a few weeks.