Full System part out sale
it is with great sadness that i have to part out my tank. As some of you know i am moving back to BC and at the moment dont have a house lined up. I have been stressing about moving my reef for about a year already and have finally decided that perhaps moving it isnt in my best interests at this time. My life is upside down right now and i cant see me looking after something that needs stability so without further adieu...
-96 Gal Cube-ish 36x28x22 external over flow, eurobraced, no a single scratch only a year old. plumbed into a 33 gallon sump and sitting ontop of a tall custom oak cabinet with side doors for sump access and two front cabinet doors as well. Plumbing, tank, sump and stand for $550
-36" Coralife Aqualight Pro 150W (new phoenix 14k MH) $375
-Euro-reef RS135 with pump $220
-Seio 1500 $50 (with box and all accessories)
-Seio 1100 $40 (with box and all accessories)
-Ebo jager 250 watt heater (x2) $20
-TLF Phosban reactor $30
-Turbo twist UV sterilizer 36 watt $80
-AC 70 (or 110- which ever is the biggest) powerhead (x2) $20
-Mag 24 (4 months old) $120
there is some other crap i cant think of right now but this is the main stuff. I will be available Mon-Thurs 3pm- 10pm. this stuff will go once the livestock is all sold (obviously)
What my wife doesnt know wont kill me- i didnt buy anything from you, got it?