185 gallon 72x25x24 cross braced 2 skim boxes,
with 70 gallon sump all built by H20 Aquarium.
Pacific Coast Skimmer PS-3000
Phosban reactor with charcoal
Profilux pro plus with lan controller
400watt Lumatek digital ballasts
Reef optix reflectors
Eco plus ½ horse chiller heater combo
Coralvue 14k 400 watt bulbs
Reeflo Dart pump
Pacific Coast ozone generator
Jakarta live rock.
Carib-sea Live reef sand course grade
Two fairy wrasse Hi Fin Banded goby pair with a pistol shrimp
Yellow tang Purple tang
Sailfin tang Naso tang
Two gold headed sleeper gobies Blue tang
Coral beauty 10 cromisis
Candy cane coral goby Sand dollar
4 kinds of snails orange/red/blue/algae hermits
2 cleaner wrasse one lost or dead seahare
4 -5 inch unidentified centipede looking thing that comes out at night,.