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Old 03-21-2008, 07:17 PM
nanoreefer nanoreefer is offline
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: BC
Posts: 100
nanoreefer is on a distinguished road

i bought some new test kits and got someone to look at them for me and got the LFS to test the water, and every thing checked out trates are at 10-20 and everything eles is 0 except for high phosphates but i dont think that matters, then i test the water i used for the WCs and the PH was like 7.4 so the only thing i can think of is they died of PH shock witch makes sence because the eel died after i did another large 30% WC after i found the trigger dead, but for some reason the lion is still healthy, it looks like i have to let the water sit for afew days before i can use it for WCs

about the refractometer i tried several times to use one, i can see ware the blue and white meet but the lines are so darn small and i cant even see the numbers,

and my 75g is getting plumed and leak tested today WOOT!
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