Thread: Help a Dog?
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Old 03-19-2008, 04:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Telford View Post
Ok, i'll be the jerk. It's irks me when people have pets when they can't afford them. As anyone that owns or has owned a dog knows, there is inevitably going to be expenses above and beyond the bowl of food you put down for him each day. They are a 'luxury' item and should only be kept if you can afford them and if you are prepared to put up some $$$ when (not if) it's required.
this thread isn't about if she can afford a pet or not. It's about a brother helping his sister not stretch herself too thin. He is not going to Kelowna to collect your empties. So I don't think your post has a place in this thread.

Start a new thread if you want to debate the 'pet as a luxury' thing
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