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Old 03-17-2008, 03:47 PM
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Brent F Brent F is offline
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Originally Posted by Slick Fork View Post
Thanks for all the tips. I went down to memory express today and to be honest I've never recieved better service anywhere.

I ended up getting the antec sonata 3 case with the 500watt power supply, gigabyte p35-ds4 mb, 2x1gb (matched set) of patriot ddr2 800 ram, intel core2 quad q6600, western digital 160 gb sata hdd and the evga 9600gt ko edition.

I was really impressed, they put the processor and ram onto the mb for me and tested it before I took it home. Got it home, put it together and I've got vista ultimate loading as I peck away on the laptop!!

This'll be a big change from my athlon 64 3200+ with an AGP ati x800!!
Their after sales service is as good as their sales. I have taken a PC in for repair 3 or 4 times over the years (including ones bought elsewhere) and have always received great service.
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