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Old 03-17-2008, 04:26 AM
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Snappy Snappy is offline
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Location: Calgary, Alberta
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Thank you very much everyone, you are very generous with the compliments.
To answer the "where do I go from here?" questions, I am not really sure. My present tank has too many limitations so I would like to replace it with something considerably larger, however I am in limbo right now with some business plans, so until they are either finalized or set aside once and for all I will likely be leaving things pretty much the way they are. Although, that said it is a continual work in progress. Anyway if my plans come to fruition I will basically be out of the hobby within 2-3 years but if not I will likely build a much bigger tank in-wall with a fish/equipment room. I would love to do that now but just can't justify building it only to shut it down. Time will tell.
Thanks again.

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