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Old 03-16-2008, 07:13 AM
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Slick Fork Slick Fork is offline
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Red Deer, Alberta
Posts: 631
Slick Fork is on a distinguished road

I will be doing some gaming with the system, the most resource intensive games played on it are the total war series, oblivion, and IL-2.

It seems lots of people recommend the gigabyte boards, I've had 2 Asus boards that I liked, 1 gigabyte board that I didn't. My knowledge level and desire to tinker with computers is extremely limited. After I set a system up, I just want to use it and the gigabyte board seemed to need a lot of babysitting. I just want plug and play, the extent of my overclocking has been limited to fiddling with the FSB, or using the handy ASUS percentage based overclock!! I have also heard good things about the eVGA based MB's.

I was considering the ati hd3850 for a video card, always had ati but I suppose it wouldn't kill me to look at NVIDIA. A question on cards, have ATI and NVIDIA gotten completely out of manufacturing these cards? I've always had a genuine ATI card and now I feel lost as I don't know how an ASUS branded ATI would stack up against a saphire, or an eVGA would stack up against a BFG.

I agree on the Western Digital HD and I'll start out with a matched pair of 2x1gb DDR2 800 RAM
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