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Old 03-16-2008, 01:59 AM
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Originally Posted by justinl View Post
what about ammonia and nitrate? If all three read zero, you might consider getting some new tests... a decent brand or else you're just burning cash.

In an emergency, 25% doesn't really cut it. Try another 40% change today. If you have any other media, feel free to add it (except carbon since you already did that).

The nice thing is that you were able to identify the source problem. Clams aren't toxic, so i think the only problem you have is a nitrogen based one (bivalves can decompose surprisingly fast). IMO 25% water change every day for a while until your tests go back to normal.

well, on the bright side, at least a lesson was learned: clams do not like being moved.
Yeah, I'm a little suspect on the test kits. I'm trying to get some more water ready, but my RO/DI is kinda slow. I think I'll keep changing the water as fast as I can generate it for a while until the corals start looking better. You mentioned other media.... what do you have in mind? I'm also running phosban but I thought that was just for Phosphates.
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