Originally Posted by Diana
Lookin good Anthony!
Hurrah for LPS tanks! Wooo!
How is the little puff puff doing?
Yeah, I soooo much prefer a mix reef with mainly LPS than a pure sps tank. More movement, etc.
The little puff puff has been moved into my seahorse/frag tank & he's slowly learning to eat. I have to rehydrate freezedried krill, then peel of the shell, then shred into tiny morsels & stick it onto a bamboo skewer. It'll come right out & inhale the morsels, but I don't think their teeth plates are developed yet at that small size because it can't chew properly.
Porcupine puffers, at least Irene's two, tend to be very nocturnal in behaviour. Luckily we don't sleep that early ourselves.
Sebae again,
there are now 24 fish in the 210g. Irene wanted a school of yellow tangs so I got her a school of YTs (6). What the pregnant wife wants, she gets (within reason).
There are also 2 Powder blues (1 big, 1 small), an Achilles, 2 Regal Blues & a Coral Rabbitfish. the rest are small fish: 1 Potter's angel, 1 African Flameback angel, 1 Cherub angel, Cleaner wrasse, Yellow canary wrasse, Bluesided Fairy wrasse, 2 Anthias (squarespot females)...