I got a ProfiLux Plus II Controller for Christmas and it is fantastic. I did not buy their package, I had them build it exactly to my specs (this saves money by not paying for modules that I would not use). You can always add them at a later date. I wanted 2 x PH, 1 x temp and 2 x power bars. I also used Aqua-Digitals $19 PH probes rater than the $80 ProfilLux probes (they work just fine). I was able to sell my Medusa temp. controller, my PH controller and if I attach my Tunze's I will be able to sell the Tunze controllers. My net cost without the frills is about $300. This will increase as time goes on as I see more and more uses to completely automate the day to day control and care of my tanks. Things such as automatic water change.
I know that ProfiLux looks expensive but do you really need control of Salinity, Redox, Humidity, Oxygen or Air Temperature. If you do you can add them later.
ProfiLux just had an introductory offer of $495 that would have got you up and running with about 80% of your tank controlled