Originally Posted by Rene
1. What temp should I have it at?
2. What salinity?
3. Anything else I should be doing?
4. How do I get my wife to forgive me for the smell in the garage?
1. and 2. People have experimented with both higher and lower temps and hypo/hyper salinity when rock cooking. The accounts I've read seem to suggest that the LR is pretty resilient to reasonable swings both ways. Personally, I keep the both temperature and salinity slightly lower than my display tank to save a bit of $ on both salt and electricity and my LR has emerged fine.
3. I also put the tubs on top of a sheet of insulating foam along with the top on to further conserve heat. Lastly, when doing water changes try to swish the water and rocks around and/or give them a good blast with a powerhead to help dislodge more of the crap.
4. It'll stop smelling after a few days to a week. Cured/cooked live rock doesn't smell at all.