Any luck catching the female bluethroat yet?
That's way cool that the aquarium will take them though. I had sort of figured that you can't approach them with requests to take livestock as it sort of opens up a precedent you'd think they would rather avoid. (eg., "So I have this 6 foot blacktip shark that needs a home..."

) But still, it would be really neat going to the aquarium and seeing your old "friends" like that.
There was a time I was contemplating approaching the aquarium to donate my ritteri as it's quite a large monster, and the cost to keep a tank running that's dedicated to it, keeps me from running a single "really nice" system. On the one hand, I'd hate to give up on it, after so many years it's sort of become my "one true identity" in this hobby ("the guy with the ridiculously large anemone") and it's the one thing I can truly post about with any authority on the subject over at RC .. but on the other hand, I look at tanks like yours and wish I could do something close to it ... but I'm more or less anchored unless I give it away. If the aquarium were interested, that would be a really cool send off knowing that they went to a facility where the public could enjoy seeing such a display.
Anyhow sorry for the off topic rambing. Very nifty, next time I make it to the aquarium I'll be looking for the big pair of bluethroats.