Originally Posted by Joe Reefer
Jason do you dose all the stuff at the same time?
Yes and no.
My current dose schedule (remember I've been using Zeo for almost 2 years)
Net Water 300G
2x a day 0.6ml ZeoStart (Morning and Evening)
1x a day 7 drops AA (evening directly into the tank)
1X a Day 7 drops Coral Vitalizer (evening directly into the tank)
10ml every other day K-B Strong (when ever)
6 drops 3 times a week ZEOBac (in sump with skimmer off for 20minutes)
3 Drops 3 times a week ZEOFood (same time as Bac)
Reading the forums on Zeovit.com the general consensuses is to run carbon in a fluidized reactor. Also something not in the guide is to save a small amount of old rock to help seed the new rock when performing a rock change. the exact amount is not an issue