How much length? I can switch to 8" for my thing if it's easier to split a minimum order of some.
So far I've tried IPP, Laird, GEPolymershapes, and I left a voicemail at Acrylic Concepts.
IPP was .. well .. I'm pretty sure we can do better. All they had is extruded, and not much selection. They're willing to order anything but I suspect there is a huge markup for special orders, AND they'll force you to buy an entire length of tube.
Laird doesn't stock acrylic tubing so they shut me down right off the bat.
GEPolymershapes was... well .. I wish I was making this up, but I'm not. It was totally surreal. It was like the girl had never heard of what acrylic was, let alone acrylic tubing.
So .. um .. yeah, so far, not having a whole lotta luck. I'm not in a huge rush for my stuff so I can wait until I find the best place to get stuff, so I'm willing to make a few more calls at this point when next I have a few spare minutes..
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!