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Old 03-11-2008, 04:32 AM
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Dale Dale is offline
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Location: Abbotsford, BC.
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I like your thinking LSM

Experimenting in my fishroom I could raise and sustain my tank temp 5*F simply by using a submersible pump.
In that case I was trying to remove heat inputs from a coldwater system (200 gallons) and tested inline vs submersible return pumps.

The key for most tropical systems would be turning off the pump when the temp rose during the day due to lighting heat inputs and (as suggested) running the pump on a thermostat would solve that. It's not such a far out idea actually (and shouldn't be knocked) but it does require thinking, which is always more difficult than just going out and buying... something.

I have a box of faulty heaters in my garage (collected from clients tanks) and, unfortunately, all the brands seem to be represented. I personally use Ebo Jaegers as they are an established brand and seem to be well made (ala Volvo) but even one or two of them are in "the box".

Please check out my used heater FS post in the buy and sell section
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