Originally Posted by bassman
The main tank is in my kitchen, the sump is in the basement. It gets pretty cool in the basement and that is where the majority of the water is. The heater doesn't seem to be working overly hard. It waits for the temp to drop 1 degree before kicking in, which seems to be every 45mins to 1 hour.
I like the idea of running numerous lower wattage heaters. I didn't consider one sticking on, that would not be good. That, knock on wood, has never happened to me.
Maybe I will try that, thanks.
It sounds like you have the wattage correct then. They DO stick on, trust me on that!
Originally Posted by chevyjaxon
IMO Tronic makes the best heaters my 300watt has been going 5 years
as a general rule of thumb 2 heaters is best (incase one fails) also you know you are big enough when you are running 1 watt per gallon so for 150 gallons you should have 150 watts
3 wpg is the "norm". If your room is REALLY warm, then maybe you only need 1 wpg.