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Old 03-10-2008, 12:57 PM
bassman bassman is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Quesnel, BC
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bassman is on a distinguished road
Default What is the BEST heater available!

I just dropped close to $200.00 after shipping, taxes, etc. on a Aqua Medic 250Watt Titanium heater and controller in a attempt to finally have a reliable heating system. NOT!

The wife asked me the other day why the tank was down 2 degrees. So I looked and sure enough the brand new, state of the art piece of junk heating element had stopped working!

After soaking it in the bathroom sink in ice cold water the element started working again. I don't have to tell ANYONE here that once a pce of equipment fails you can NEVER fully trust it again. Just what I need, another reason to lay in bed wondering if my tank is okay.

Anyhoo, it worked fine for 2 days but once again this morning my tank temp is down by 2.5 degrees!

I cannot express how sick and tired I am of trying to find a reliable heating system. I like to travel and I have to know that all my equipment is working properly while I am away.

If money was no issue what is the best, most reliable way to maintain proper heat?

230 mixed reef / 230 gal sump/fuge
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