Originally Posted by kewi
In October 2007, I bought 4 female anthias' & a male. They all died on me. On boxing day, I got myself 5 young female anthias' & 1 young male. Only 1 female has survied and is doing very well. I don't know why, but anthias' seem to be difficult to keep. I hope your anthias improves in health.
However, I do not quarantine my fish. I gradually acclimatize the fish over 1 hour.
Hi Keith,
You should definitly QT your fish, that way you can watch them more closely and see if there is something that can be treated before putting them in your display.
Originally Posted by Reefhawk1
Anthias are sensitive to light. If your lighting is to bright it stresses them. If you have any aggressive tank mates they can also cause stress.
What type of Anthias do you have? What size of tank do you have them in?
Hey Stan,
I mentioned in my post that they are in a QT

Anyways, they are in a 10 gallon, both are pretty small, about 2"
I was told they are Disbar Anthias, a more shallow water species so they shouldn't be light sensitive. One is perfectly healthy and the other won't/can't swim off the bottom. Also they are alone in the QT, no tankmates....