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Old 03-09-2008, 06:54 PM
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Originally Posted by mccrat View Post
I do have pretty detailed drawings and yes have found that some just like to do it 'Their' way and are very opinionated. I have some good resources now and hopefully will find someone to build it the way I want. Here is a link to Brian's build thread on reefcentral. It is very similar to what I want. When I start my build I will start a build thread here for you all. Thanks so much!

Well that is a interesting idea to use a PVC base ... I do have a few thoughts that come to mind though ...

a closed loop is not a " necessity " especially coming up from the bottom like that ... so if a closed loop is something you want and the tank is 30" or less ( front to back ) then utilizing the sides or the back would be just as effective IMO ( I had a 330G for 6 years [96 X 24 X 33 ] with 2 closed loops on the back using eductors and it was very effective ) ... so the cost of a hybrid material build like that will likely be higher than a all glass tank ... is it worth it ?

The other thought is that closed loops themselves require pumps that draw alot of amps and until you have actually had the pleasure of paying those hydro bills on a regular basis you may want to consider another energy efficient source for circulation ( ie. the new powerheads that stick on the glass [ cant remember the name ] that use low amps but generate huge flow ) ... the advantage here is that they can be moved later on as your coral start to grow so that optimal circulation is achieved no matter how mature the tank ) ... when compareing the cost of a closed loop now versus the powerheads ( last time I looked they were a few bucks ) you need to include the extra cost of the tank if you go PVC + the pumps + extra hydro cost per month + ocean motion + plumbing etc etc

the latter comments are part of my thought process for my next tank build which will definately be this year ( 450G ) ... I may plumb the tank for a closed loop or 2 from the start ( in case later on more energy efficient pumps come along ) but likely will utilize the powerheads instead

which brings me to the tank builder

Bow Valley are not trustworthy ... you can do a search here or on RC and you will get LOTS of hits on the subject ... if it looks like a rat, smells like a rat ... then likely it IS a RAT ( you can do a search under my name here for my experience with Bow Valley as well )

IF you decide to go all glass ( my recommendation ... acrylic scratches too easy and not sure if you can get that PVC combo here in Calgary for a practical price ) then the tank builder I would recommend locally would be Golds ... Albert and Dennis are very good to deal with ( opinions aside ) and they deliver what they promise for the price they promised - they built a tank for a friend of mine and it turned out exactly as specified

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