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Old 03-09-2008, 01:43 PM
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Default Hi canreefer's from Afghanistan

well all is well here, it's hot in the day 25 so far until the hot weather kicks in. not tmuch is going on that i can talk about. I;m doing good taking it day by day. its quite a shock trying to get into a routine. the jet leg is realy bad. im 13.5 hours time difference. the culture some different then ours. lots of stuff going on here to that i wont talk about. the tank is doing well thanks to
Doug and Tammy my boss.

well if I can get some time to chat later one this week i will. Im leaning against a wall in a tiny booth out in now where land on a lap top. they got us sat net that uses the satillites. its pretty good. that food is the shits and i drink about 10 litersper day. and its 25-30 c once its gets up higher the water intake is doulbe easily.

well got to run take care everyone.

180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
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