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Old 03-09-2008, 03:37 AM
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kwirky kwirky is offline
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Calgary
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kwirky is on a distinguished road

I'd say from firsthand experience that using calgary tapwater for marine can create some challenges. I've found most people using tapwater end up with a calcium of around 300-400 ppm and a dkh sky high at 10-13 dKH (from testing water for people at the store). It makes acclimating things from systems using RO/DI more time consuming and sometimes more difficult; it also causes a small amount of preciptation in the tank thus affecting water clarity.

the hidden toxicity of tapwater is never really an issue with calgary water because we have pretty clean water and I've never really seen problems with nitrates during spring. I just thing going RO/DI helps with alkalinity and calcium ballancing and chemicals like prime affect protein skimmers.

Anybody have information on prime detoxifying ammonia? I read somewhere that ammonia testkits will still read there's ammonia because it's converted to "ammonium" or something. It's non-toxic but can cause people to still think there's ammonia in their system and end up taking unessessary measures. Haven't been able to find much info on this. anybody have a link?
Everything I put in my tank is fully dependant on me.
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