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Old 03-07-2008, 10:59 PM
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Originally Posted by BMW Rider View Post
One could call it that . Its basically a couple of shipping containers joined together and modified to create flashover conditions without killing the guys inside in the process. Gives us an idea of what the conditions and indicators of a pending flashover look like so we know when its possibly going to happen and we can make our exit if we should ever come face to face with it in real live fires. A flashover is basically everything erupting into fire simultaneously. Its very very bad if your inside.

Where is your brother working? Is he here in Calgary too? If so perhaps I know him, although with the number of new hires in the past few years, there are more guys I don't know now.
Yeah he is here in Calgary, he just moved stations again this past week. He is still a relatively new hire I guess, he is up for that big test review here soon.

He was the newbie who got pranked his first night on shift pretty bad. They put broken glass around and in his new truck and rolled down the window. They waited for him to finish shift, and find the mess. When he found the mess, a senior man told him about the "emergency window" and how its in all the new trucks, in case of window damage. So they rolled up the window and sent him on his way. My brother believed them for a few minutes to I hear.
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