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Old 03-05-2008, 10:08 PM
pandafishowner pandafishowner is offline
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Calgary
Posts: 178
pandafishowner is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by ElGuappo View Post
Agreed the kids shows im not much into (if i had kids i would by now probably be working on a hit of Dora) i was reffering mostly to the good stuff like looney toons and Dreamworks Productions. you know the old show that were funny to kids and adults alike. Shrek is IMO the best example of this i still find stuff to laugh at that i missed the first 100 times i watched it.
lol... when I was a kid, the one cartoon that really sticks out in my mind is The Smoggies. but rarely does anyone else remember it.

I'm not a fan of Looney Toons either though. as for Shrek, my view on him/it is the same as yours on Dora. I'm preparing a hit on him so there's no more Shrek.
I'm Melody (or Panda )

50g cube SW tank (24x24x20) w/20g sump and internal overflow box, Coralife 24" 2 x 65W Aqualight, skimmer, and 2x HOB filters
It has approx 35lbs live rock, clownfish, 1 black & white saddleback clownfish, asst'd mushrooms, asst'd zoas, gsp, turbo and other snails, blue legged, halloween and other hermit crabs, tuxedo urchin

10g FW tank with...
Current occupants are cardinal tetras and ameca splendons
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