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Old 03-05-2008, 06:23 PM
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SeaShell SeaShell is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: St. Albert, Alberta
Posts: 181
SeaShell is on a distinguished road

My Foxy was one of my last additions. Unfortunately for him, though, I had two large and nasty damsels in the tank.

Foxy was wonderful. The damsels would take a run at him, he'd put up his spines and lean toward them.... they'd back off fast and try again later. He never chased them or attempted to spine them, he just defended himself when they came chasing. The damsels never came in contact with the spines. This lasted for two days and now they all live in harmony. Foxy is a shy, unassuming fish who just goes about his business!

He's a wonderful addition to my tank, and I never once had concerns that any of my fish were in danger. I vote that you put him in your tank!
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