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Old 02-24-2003, 06:59 PM
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Sorry, I didn't mean to confoozle the thread.

As far as leaks on the carpets go ... I don't know what to suggest. I'd like to say, don't worry about it, 'cuz it's going to happen anyways sooner or later. Just make sure you've got a shop vac handy, so that you're ready for it when it does happen, and then it's not so much a big deal.

But the GFCI's ... really, all it is is a safety thing. Something that shuts the system down in the event a potentially deadly situation develops.

I've never used GFCI's on my system myself. But after reading how badly some folks got electrocuted (see the whole thread at RC ... it is quite long unfortunately) I'm starting to rethink that idea some. My hesitation has been that I'd prefer not to have my tank go flatline in the event a single item suffers some kind of electrical fault, but the workaround for that is as Reefphish suggests, have several different GFCI's and group items according to risk category or something like that.
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!
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