Originally Posted by Jenndarlin
1. What test kits for which tests do people use??
I've been thinking of starting to do my own testing at home. ... So which brand names or test kits, products does everyone use??
2. Skimmers options. What's a good skimmer for 100 - 150gal????
... I have a plan in the works for a bigger system (150-180gal) that I would like to be able to transfer any new skimmer to.
I sometimes think I ask too many questions but I wouldn't know most of what i do if i hadn't ask lots of questions  
1. I prefer Salifert kits for nitrate, calcium, and magnesium. My Elos kit for KH is just fine (each drop measures 1 dKH) and I sometimes use my Elos pH kit. For ammonia I think my aquarium pharmeceuticals is accurate enough (goes down to 0.25ppm).
2. The euroreefs are very good mid-range skimmers. I'd recommend the RS-180 if you're possibly upgrading tanks later. I wouldn't consider displaced water volume, but rather fish-load on the skimmer. Generally a large tank is stocked with more fish than a little tank no matter how much rock is inside. Larger skimmers can then help with the bioload. But I'm not condoning overstocking your tank either.