Originally Posted by rocketlily
I am not sure what I'lll be doing in the fuge at this time, but I want a design that will not limit me in the future.
Too keep your options open, I suggest T'ing off the overflow and using a valve to control the flow through the Refugium. This will allow you to control the flow with absolute certainty.
Originally Posted by banditpowdercoat
I have a 45g corner and was thinking of making a sump like that. Just have a 10G sump right now. Got to learn to do acrylic, or find someone to build me one hint hint
Ha, Ha. I'm the biggest spaz when it comes to building things. I just followed the instructions on Melev's Reef website
The only thing I did differently (other than twisting the design) was I went to a glass shop to have my acrylic cut (which is the hardest part of the entire build). Just make sure you tell them to cut the acrylic with a saw and not score it with a knife.
Seriously if I can do it, anyone can