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Old 03-03-2008, 05:13 AM
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kwirky kwirky is offline
Join Date: Jun 2006
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kwirky is on a distinguished road

Wow I totally missed this thread, it got to like 50 posts in 2 days!

I'd say siphoning out detritus has the effect of changing my water. My 5 gallons or less of siphoning is my small window of opportunity to siphon out as much visible detritus as possible and I've been trying to develop my own way of getting as much as I can with each change.

As for aerating water any changes larger than 5% I aerate if the water's straight out of the RO unit. I do this for 24 hours then use it. If my RO basin has had the current batch of water in it for like a week I just dump in the resulting saltwater right away.

And I test my water going into the aquarium about every 3rd batch or so (or on a new bucket).

One "no-no" i've done is use the well water a couple times out of desperation here on the acreage (since I haul water from the city to use on the aquarium). I have comprehensive test results of the water done by the hospital and it's supposed to be better than city water except it's high in potassium (which doesn't hurt since our salt's low in it). I haven't had problems yet but I haven't really used it much out of fear of something nasty happening. I've only used about 5 gallons in total over the past 3-4 weeks.
Everything I put in my tank is fully dependant on me.
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