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Old 03-02-2008, 10:03 AM
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Pan Pan is offline
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Originally Posted by Myka View Post
I hate it when my fish stalk eachother. Sorry I just had to.

I find it best to steer newbies away from large waterchanges for many reasons. One being that they aren't usually very good at matching water params, and two because they often figure that doing 75% waterchanges once every 6 months is the same as doing weekly 10%. Newbies shouldn't be given some information...
If you cannot match parameters in a water change you should seek out a lite-brite for that is the limit of your capable skills. Seriously water change are the best friend to people new to marine tanks. It is simple to change water, if you know what you are doing, but then if you know what you are doing most things are simple. If you notice in this hobby for every "you can't or shouldn't do that" there is a "i did it and it work fine for me". The only thing that is for sure is as you grow in this hobby you gain experience, without the reality of learning from your mistakes and actually running an maintaining a tank you have theoretical knowledge and that is it. Theory is good in theory only. There is a reason WISDOM and AGE go hand in hand, not beacuse one is older but because chances are the older you are (in this case the longer you have run a tank for) the more mistakes you have made and learned from. Keep in mind learning for yourself when asking questions, i guarantee you have people telling you both sides of a question. The only way to find out is to try.

That being said water changes worked for me when i was new to the hobby, I have also seen water changes kill a tank in 20 minutes (yes everything was done the same, most likely bad salt....another key to many problems, test you new water before and after you mix the salt. Unless you trust your RO/DI unit religiously....I also use tap water...i also test it for many things most people do not.
I once had a Big tank...I now have two Huskies and a coyote

Last edited by Pan; 03-02-2008 at 10:06 AM.
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