Originally Posted by StirCrazy
with the right equipment you can extend the time between [waterchanges].
This is the key. Newbies are gonna stumble when they see a thread like this. You NEED to have good equipment to get away with no/low waterchanges. Don't be thinkin that your over stocked 'low-tech' 90g with a Remora Pro and a sack of PhosBan is gonna cut it.
Replacing the vitamins and minerals is a very important thing. As well as nutrient removal. A calcium reactor will replace the minerals and many vitamins. I use SeaChem Reef Plus to replace amino acids and vitamins, you can also use Reefresh or Polyp Lab or ZeoVit. But if you aren't doing waterchanges regularly you need to be adding something.
You will also need a good nutrient export. A very good skimmer like a Bubblemaster, EuroReef, Deltec etc will hugely lengthen the time between needed waterchanges. Incorporating a refugium will also help.
Bioload has a HUGE impact on the length of time between waterchanges. Lots of fish? Less time between.
Attempting no/low waterchanges on a low-tech tank without supplementing for minerals and vitamins is not going to work very well for you.
My tank is low-tech and I do 15% waterchanges every 3-4 weeks. The corals tell me when it's time.