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Old 02-29-2008, 03:45 AM
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Keri Keri is offline
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Location: Sunshine Coast, British Columbia
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Originally Posted by jkhchris View Post
I have a sixline wrasse. It lived with three sexy shrimp for about 6 months. I got a good deal on sexy shrimp one day and got 5 more. Acclimatted them and let them go in my tank. The sixline had one of them in his mouth before they even reached the bottom. The next day I had zero sexy shrimp. So in my case yes six line wrasses eat sexy shrimp. I have also hated my sixline ever since but because he is to smart for any trap I have not caught him yet. He does by the way eat flat worms and did notice a decline in my zoa nudies when I had them. If you can catch my sixline you can have him.

ha ha.... well, I won't be adding more, they just got upgraded along with everything else from my 8 gallon to the 65 Why do you hate your 6line so much?
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