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Old 02-28-2008, 11:34 PM
Jenndarlin Jenndarlin is offline
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: White Rock, BC
Posts: 28
Jenndarlin is on a distinguished road

Thanxs for all of the info.....The funny thing is that when he gets mad he goes this white milky transparent color and can go back to dark purple within seconds...while I know when he's white he's not happy, it is a very interesting color changing process... and he is great with all of the other fish, even the female clown who doesn't like any of the other fish other than her mate.... and he used to be great with the previuos butterfly and this tank is over 40 gallons bigger than that one so theoretically there should be no space problem. The only actual addition to this tank since I set it up is the Lunar wrasse and there are no problems there.

I am going to try to re-introduce him tonight but I am prepared to have to put him back in the sump if he become aggressive.... He's suprsisingly really easy to net..

I love this hobby....(trying to convince myself why right now)

100 Gal Reef. Home to my Royal Gramma, Purple Tang, Pair of O. Clownfish, Canary Wrasse, Blue Devil Damsel, Flame Angel, Lunar Wrasse, Copperbanded Butterfly,Flame Lobster, Cleaner Shrimp, Various Snails, Softies,& LPS.
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