Thread: "Lagoon" pics
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Old 02-28-2008, 01:33 AM
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GreenSpottedPuffer GreenSpottedPuffer is offline
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Well a bit of an update...I had a carbon mishap last week and what a mess it was! The carbon in the carbon chamber of my ozone reactor leaked and within a few hours everything in the tank was very black Not a lot of carbon escaped the sump but it did create a black film over everything in the display.

I was pretty heartbroken to have to take all my aquascaping apart and clean every rock, coral and even fish! Anyways after 10 hours of work, everything was clean, happy and back in the tank...except me. I hated the new aquascape but it has grown on me. Here's the pics...Let me know what you all think! Better? Worse? Same???

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