Thread: Cat thread
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Old 02-26-2008, 02:39 PM
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The problem is a power struggle I think.

We did have five cats but we did have to take one to the spca at x-mas becuase he bit our daughter.

Of the other 4 -

Tisa - A really good cat, we really want to keep him. He is your perfect cat that is seen and not heard, keeps his distance from the baby for curls up in bed with us at night

Sebastian - Dominant cat - very aggresive towards Isabelle, he is also a danger to us as he is always underfoot when we are cooking, carrying the baby etc. .. there have been a few cases where we have almost fell down the stairs becuase of him

Salem - Super cute cat, cuddles and snuggles but when the baby was born he started peeing and pooing all through the house. Now that he is confined to a single room in the basement with Tingalf he seems to be ok.. allthough he has shredded the carpet inside the door trying to claw his way out

Tinga - The cat we though we had a home for only to get back. The only female cat and really should just be a single cat. when alone she is great but in a group she requires attention. Before we got her back she used to live in the sink in our master bathroom, she would not even go down to the litter box herself, we had to carry her down and wait for her to do her business, that's why we found a home for her becuase with a baby we just could not give her the time she needed. She is now in a room in the basement with Ting and seems to be ok. She is a beautiful persian cross with super long hair which in itself is a problem with a baby.

We are just at wits end and don't know what to do... you know its funny.. two years ago when we lived in a 900sq/ft condo with the 5 cats everything was fine.. as soon as we moved into our house and had the baby all hell broke loose.

We love our cats but with the baby we just cannot keep them all. Like I mentioned we have tried to find them homes.. really really tried but there is just no one interested. As sad as it is and we really need to come to grips with this and make the decision, but our best bet may be to have Tinga, Salem and Sebastian put to sleep.
- Greg

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