or was it just setup that fast?
Was set up that fast; used live sand from established coral tanks from the LFS, and dumped tons of "Special Blend" to cycle the tank.
Have you checked the expiry on your test kits?
Have used a couple of test kits; I'm getting the same readings from them all.
Nitrates were low to start with, therefore I suspect I'm responsible for the rise by trying to make sure the mandarine dragonet is getting his fair share.
Trapdoor snail and/or crab... Hmmm.... Would they leave the bodies lying around?
I started with 1.017 since an LFS "calibrated" my hydrometer after having told me it was out to lunch. I have since figured out it was actually bang on, so I've been increasing the salinity over the past week and a half. Would the lower salinity have had a cumulative effect, since it's only the last 3-4 days that I've been having these issues, and the stow-aways have lived through everything (tank cycle 'n all) 'til now?
...Not trying to be difficult, just trying to figure this out. Thanks for all the input! Any other thoughts?