Originally Posted by reef_raf
Right, and Emily is continually offering to foster it until a home is found. The "rescue" guy isn't really responding.....
Would be nice if it had a more comfortable temp home, rather than a wire cage.
The pup has been in foster, and now she's at the "adoption center" for a couple of weeks. Are you questioning the quality of care she's had with out any real knowledge of the situation? Have you been to my house? Have you been on a rescue? Crawled under a well used outhouse to rescue pups? Dug thru garbage dumps to find kittens before the hungry dogs do? Perhaps we should have left Popcorn in the ditch for the crows, then you'd have nothing to complain about, out of sight, out of mind, right! I haven't responded because I have better things to do (unlike some people), and I don't run the rescue, I just volunteer here. I'll update you on Popcorn's situation when I know more. Thanks for your concern.
The "rescue" chick